Monday, February 5, 2007

the old crisco jar

Doesn't everyone look for inspiration and find it in the simplest places? With the weekend over and the house back to myself (and the dogs) it's always a day of cleaning up, putting away and trying to get back on track from the weekend. Sort of like a dog chasing his tail, because every Monday seems to be the same, hehe! In the midst of putting things away, I happened to glance up and noticed something that tends to get ignored. Maybe it's better that way because, when refound, it creates a new sense of inspiration for me. I'd bought this old glass Crisco jar at a local antique market. It came prefilled with golf tees of all colors, and I couldn't bare to leave it there so up to the counter, part with some cash and out the door we went. Not 'needing' inspiration at that time, it went right to a shelf in a relatively busy area of my glass studio, and got lost in the background. Today, I gave it a good rattle to mix up the colors again and will study that jar over lunch. Refound inspiration is a blessing! For today, it's back to my Monday...

1 comment:

Robert said...

the old glass Crisco jar is just wonderful... well i liked your inspiring views .... refound inspiration is really a blessing.... well on that note u can drop by My Blog sometimes... hope u will find it interesting...!!!