Tuesday, February 13, 2007

room moms rule!

There's a baking frenzy today! I'm Room Mom for two classes and tomorrow is Valentine's Day, hehe! The whole school is buzzy with that excited energy of upcoming parties with the added thrill of exchanging valentines with their friends. I've got dozens of cupcakes in the works for one class - then it's on to the mountain of sugar cookies for another class. The Room Mom gig can be draining at times (like last week on a field trip when the whole fourth grade insisted that this room mom should be the one to hold the tarantula - didn't happen ;)) but when it's party time, I'm so in there with sweets and crafts, lol! Oh, and a Starbucks Mocha for the teacher, hehe! Everyone gets something at my parties !

1 comment:

Val Cox said...

wow, we never had homeroom mother's like you when I was growing up. Have a great time tomorrow! Very funny about the spider! Val