Sunday, March 4, 2007

dreams and sleepovers

We have friends who are building their dream home. It's on a five acre lot in 'horse country' and they'll also be building a stable to house their three horses. When they bought the property almost three years ago, they were beaming. You couldn't help but feel their joy! I think, for them, it was the idea that they'd be able to take care of their horses right outside their home instead of having to board them and visit them. The back-and-forth can be very draining. Owning five acres of gorgeous country land could have them floating on air, also! Fast forward to today, they're still living in the little two bedroom trailer on that property, trucking in water monthly and waiting for the local government to clear them on issues such as water well placement for their ground water and the pile of additional permits that they need to get their home built. It's very frustrating, and I give them such credit for sticking with it. The up side is, their horses are outside the trailer and they're together on their property. All that said, they really enjoy spending weekends away to get a break from the trailer life.

Last night, their youngest came over for a sleepover and what a hoot! We had a pizza party and watched movies (okay, I mostly hid from them and the noise but I was never more than a room away, hehe!). She skipped up to me at one point and said "it's ssooo nice to use a real bathroom instead of the tiny trailer bathroom!". It was sad and hysterical at the same time! The kids had planned to stay up and 'beat the record' for how late each could stay awake but DH put an end to the great plans at 11:30pm. Thank you, Matt! I was so tired but didn't want to be the mean mommy, hehe! (growing up, I remember my sleepovers and my mother hissing through her clenched teeth "you and your friends need to be quiet or else your father will have to come out here" lol!) He's off to work today so I'm left with the bunch of them, leftover pizza for lunch, more movies, and I'll probably be coerced into creating some fancy girlie hair styles for them. All those years of reading Glamour magazine really pay off once you have girls ;)

1 comment:

Val Cox said...

wow, good luck to your friends. This sounds like quite a project. When their house is finished however, how wonderful will this be. Kids adapt so well however, what a sweet story about your overnight guest! Val